Saturday, June 6, 2009


I just found out that the emails I have been sending are not going through. I apologize to those of you I told would be receiving updates via email. I am able to receive emails, but you are not able to get them from me. Please don't hesitate to send me an email or comment on the blog. I would love to hear from people back home. Things are going well and I am having a good time. I got to pet a cheetah today!! We also toured the winelands which were beautiful. The only complaint about my trip so far would be living with so many girls. Since I have lived alone for 6 years and never lived in a dorm during college I am having trouble with the different personalities of the house. There has been a lot of unexpected drama going on. There are however, others like me who are avoiding it so hopefully we will be able to continue doing that. I will update again soon!


  1. Glad you are so mature with other personalities. Your dad was glad to hear your voice yesterday. What a great experience!!


  2. We love you and are glad you are safe and sound as you are making a great impact on so many lives.

  3. Good to hear you weren't just ignoring me! Amber kept saying "Well Dena is talking to me on Facebook!" Glad your having fun.

    Your favorite brother!

